If you want to visit Gaya Ji for pind daan, you would like to know about someone who guides you for the Shradh Karma. At Iskcon, Gaya we help devotees perform pind daan karma. Below is the distance from the Gaya railway station to the Iskcon center.

Distance from Gaya railway station to Gaya Pind daan, Iskcon
Gaya Pind daan, Iskcon is located at approx 2.3 Km from the Gaya railway station.
If you are coming by local auto-rickshaw it would take you around 10 minutes to reach our center.
Are you looking for ONLINE pind daan? This is how you can do online: Read this guide
If you want us to receive you from Gaya railway station to Iskcon Gaya center then feel free to call us at the below contact numbers.
Phone: +91-8210163122 | 9525477967 | 9006518348
You can fill this form and let us know in advance.
Here is the Google map link to guide you to reach our center.